I've Got Something On My Mind.

If I could only remember what it was! The Rhode Island Reds are coming along wonderfully. Just about all feathered out. Hopefully they will be able to go outside soon. On a warm day we've opened the door but they only venture out about a foot and then back into the hen house. I changed the plumbing around so they can use the automatic font and added a line so we can get water outside for a chicken bath, drip irrigation to the spinach patch and a future water line to the horse barn. Which will soon hold pigs. Well at least the back portion of it. We are constructing a fence line so the pigs can get out to pasture. It will be about an Acre in size all told, minus the Barn the back of which is in the picture. It will be a permanent fence, five barbed wires and three electric lines. On both sides of the fence. We have to keep bears and coyotes out as well as pigs in. Brother Tom's skid-steer has a...