Clean Sweep
Almost. Still have to move a camper and truck out of a snow lane. But close. I have been re-wiring a house for brother Tom so a bit off schedule. Not that I am ever "on schedule". But it progresses. This was the view from the green house a couple of days ago: Yes, that white stuff is the cold white stuff! Past experience and a couple of light snow falls, coupled with predictions of a long cold snowy, el Nino, driven winter has added some impetus to the chores. All the tools are put away. Hoses coiled and stored in a heated basement - just in case of winter emergencies. Fuel stocked up. Chains checked and ready for mounting on the skid steer. The gardens cleared and tilled. Missing planting some Garlic. I went to a local Art Knapps, a plant store, a week ago to buy some garlic and a few cold hardy seeds and walked into this: A whole two months before Christmas. I just about freaked! ...