February - Or it isn't January any More.

It's been snowing for the last week or so. That's great as we will need the moisture come August. The snow is getting pretty deep. Last Sunday I basical just got up and started to plow. The diesel bill is going to be a doozy this month. Mind you I have been rooting for moisture. January had rain. And then late in Jan the start of February we have been getting snow. All good for the water table come August. This will be the ear of the well as we are going to put in at least one and probably two. Fortunately we know where the water is and if we can dig wells using a small excavator all will be golden. Basically we want to split the House, Garden and Livestock waters into their own, separate sources. Had a tenant who was going to move into Grandmas but didn't in the end. They did a whole lot of work cleaning the place up and we want to keep it that way so we gave Boose the cat a promotion from green house duty and mov...