It's a Mudder

Twice a year, generally in the spring and fall, we go through mud season. We're living on a south facing slope that consists of gravel sand and clay. Where our roads are is where the clay is. Sticky, oozing, foot slogging that can mire a four by four vehicle. To ameliorate some of the problem, I construct sidewalks to the barns and chicken houses. It is a vast improvement over slogging through the mud paths. However, the paths can't cross the roads where the vehicles go. So we end up with the quagmire below. This is actually not the worst it has been. For one, this picture was taken in the morning and the mud has actually stiffened up with the overnight frost. We have also dumped several loads of gravel in this mire. The problem is, the clay will swallow it up. It needs some geotextile fabric over top of a packed sub-base to keep the crushed gravel top layer from disappearing. Fortunately, we have several gravel...