You Know It's Cold When.

You wake up to find five cats and a dog snuggled up in your bed. Must be the down comforter.. The hairs inside your nose freeze up. Smoke from the fires goes straight up. The dogs are not real interested in going outside to chase rabbits. I'm blinded by frost on my glasses the moment I step inside the house The cliffs to the East. Needless to say, it's been getting pretty cold around here. It hit -30 this morning which means I have four fires to feed. It's like watching the wood pile melt. Hopefully it's supposed to warm up to -single digits next week so that will help. A large part of the daily chores is just walking from building to building keeping the fires burning so the water lines don't freeze up. Where's that Global warming. Bring it on.. In the meantime I was glad to get all the snow pushed back, when (if) it does melt I want the water in the ditches - not the road. But that has to be the optimist in me talking! Hope y...