Soft Water, Softer Lambs
After almost seven years of putting up with rusty looking bathroom fixtures, a fridge full of Brita Filtered water, using half a bottle of shampoo to wash our hair we now have wonderfully soft, iron free water. What a thrill. Drinking glass after glass of sweet, refreshing water straight from the tap. Our water comes from a surface well a couple of hundred feet higher and a quarter mile away from our house. It had a very high Iron, Manganese and Calcium content. Hard water that stained everything. A relative gifted us his slightly used water softener and we installed it behind a heavy duty iron remover and whole house filter. 16 valves, over a hundred PEX rings, a box of connectors, elbows, air injector , pressure regulator, over pressure valve later and we have wonderfully clear water. No staining. Tea straight from the tap. Next is to replace all the traditional copper lines in the house with single run PEX tubing from ...