I was a feeling little trepidation when I first started letting the boys out. There's a large fir tree fifty feet away that the eagles and hawks like to perch in. But so far so good, I don't know if a bird of prey, which an eagle isn't, would go after these guys. They are pretty big and mostly stay together in a clump close to the safety of the chicken tractor. I will keep a couple of these guys around as yard guards and the rest will go into the freezer sometime later this spring. I know - but honestly this is spring! Xena the wonder dog will hang around them if I am in the vicinity, but she keeps a wary eye on them. She just doesn't get that the roosters dont really like having their butts sniffed. Just not rooster etiquette. The new weaners, however are fair game. She's been in the barn with them having all kinds of tail wagging fun. These weaners are the best we've found, organically grown on a neat farm about ...