
I'm getting a bit antsy for planting season.  Fortunately with the heated green house that's anytime we feel like it.  Now for instance.  But first some preparations.  While I was on a sojourn to the Coast Jo-Ann thought she had a chimney fire going in the green house and decided not to use the wood heater.  So job one when I got back was to clean the chimney.  A half hour chore that stretched out to hours when the brush got stuck in the lower stove pipe.

As it turned out the chimney wasn't badly creosoted, but better safe than sorry.  While I was at the Coast I visited a grow op store to check out all the gizmos and specifically to pick up some reflective Mylar.  The fellow at the store was asking me what and how I was growing.  I got that familiar look of incredulity when I said: Tomatoes, Lettuce, chives - that kind of thing.  Finding out where I lived he mentioned that they ship via GreyHound bus - and that they were very discreet.  Again the look of incredulity when I mentioned that discreet was something I never had to worry about!

I was astonished at the difference in light the addition of forty feet of mylar made.  It seems to have doubled the  available light.  A vast difference over the plain white paint.

I've cut back all but three of the six foot tomato plants to make room for Hakuri turnips, Spinach and Mesclun mix.  I want to try some heritage tomatoes also as all we've grown so far are Romas.  

We lost water the other day.  That's something that brings out a collective "Oh No" around here, as we endured a week of it this winter.  Turned out the panic was for not and easily corrected as all the elements of our water filtration system can be readily bypassed.  Turns out the primary filter was clogged with Iron.  It was used when we installed it and I didn't install a new filter.  

Yowza, to think this stuff was going into our plumbing system! New filter in place now.  It will be interesting to see how long it will last.  The one that was clogged was a very small mesh - it's replacement a little larger as it goes through two more filtration stages before hitting the taps.

When we were "City Folks" our dream was to live in the "Electronic Cottage" out in the boonies.  We're pretty much doing that but the reality is, as you might expect, somewhat different than the original dream.  Still It makes me wonder how much electronics you really need on a kitchen table.

Here's a hint:  There's more than three.  Actually it's not as bad as it looks.  The Laptop is dying and being replaced by the Linux box under the floor.  It has a wired CatIV cable to it and is receiving files from the Ubuntu Lap top.

Boose has decided that the curtains in the green house make a pretty comfy bed and with the addition of a Kitty litter box, pretty much home.  When I asked her if she wanted to move back to the barn this was her reply:
Imagine that!  Oh well time to deliver her morning repast!  Hope you didn't have to stick your tongue out at yours!


Linda said…
Nice blog. Greetings from Montreal.

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