The spinach, that is. I've become resigned to the fact that I am unable to grow spinach in the green house. Even in the winter time it gets too warm. I planted spinach several weeks ago and when I checked yesterday it was six inches high and starting to bolt. As I have suspected for a while now, I can grow tomatoes or lettuce in the same green house during the winter months but not both.. We've just had over a foot of snow fall in mid March. And it looks like it's not over yet. It's time to start putting plastic covers on the tire garden and melting the snow. As soon as I can work the soil, perhaps in as little as a week, I can start planting spinach and lettuce outside. I haven't been doing much on this blog as of late. We have decided to become an actual, farm and so have been setting up our business. Our Website is We also have a Facebook page. I have been astonished at the bu...