The Year Of The

Exactly. What happened this year? The well ran dry. For the first time that anyone can remember our spring fed well ran dry. It was an extremely dry summer with very little moisture following a winter with far less snow. Nothing says work like having to truck water in. And pack it to the animals. It happened just as we were transitioning from mud to ice. The well has made a comeback but we are still taking usage waste prevention measures. Like " if it's yellow let it mellow ". Next spring will bring the start of water year where we explore separating the house water from the animal and garden needs. Eave troughs to collect any rainwater that falls for the garden. Changing three toilets to the low flow type. The biggest project just might be a water line from our pond down to the barn connection. That's a whole lot of digging but we will be assured of water. Hopefully a lot of snow and a wet spring will...