Spring has Sprung

I can tell 'cuz I have to have the truck in four wheel drive to get it around my driveway.

We are transitioning to Berkshires.  The Royal Pig.  Here are a couple of princesses having a late morning nap.

 Having found a plentiful supply of nice gravel on the property we built an all weather road to the loading ramp at the barn.  Had some scary moments trying to extricate the skidsteer from the late spring mud bog that was there previously.  Now, with the addition of a new gate customers can drive right up to the loading dock.  Makes loading piglets a whole lot easier.  Mind you with the P.E.D. scare down south and now back east in Canada we may have to re-think our bio-security procedures.
Of course any road bulding job requires a supervisor..
 The road goes to this loading dock.  This is just the graded underlay before the gravel was applied.  20 loads of gravel and a road that won't suck your gumboots off when you walk on it.  The skid steer can get supplies to the barn in a pouring rainstorm without getting stuck.  Ah, progress.
 We put a culvert in right where the wet area was so run off from the roof isn't a problem anymore.

I really like this old wagon.  Lord knows how old it is.  It was all hand hewn.  Was someones big work saver around homestead time I will bet.
 Not a great picture, but those are three eagles waiting for me to get out of the area so they can enjoy some cow remnants.

This is a gravel sample pit.  Nice angular gravel with sandy fines and very little clay.  I was grinning from ear to ear.  another 120 loads and the whole place should be nicely gravelled.

We have twenty turkeys and 40 layers in the incubator.  With another 100 meat birds coming todays job is to make a few more brooders.  I have been using 500 litre plastic containers split in half - I'll post that as I build it.

Hope your having a great day.


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