We've Sprung a Leak

The snow is melting like, well, snow in spring time. The top of the tire garden is starting to show through the snow. Those are three logging truck tires on top of each other filled with soil. So still a bit of snow to go before I have to weed whack the grass. I will plant some spinach and spring onions before the snow is all gone. I will put some plastic over the tires to speed up the process. It's going to be a late spring. Melt water has turned road ruts into impromptu ditches. Fortunately all the water here is diverted onto our Southern fields. Attempting to get to the wood pile. Not gong to happen until the road gets a bit more solid. Like in a couple of weeks. The piggies are partly to blame. This part of the road is South facing and the snow melted off it first leaving bare ground. Ideal for rootevators who have just walked on the snow over the fences! Four sows in stalls, three of which ...