
Showing posts from 2025

Combing The Yak

 One of those mornings. After going to bed at 2:30 in the morning, I am up at 9:30 AM and proceeded to stare at my phone for an hour and then coffee, a simple thing, coffee. But alas, not enough in the day old automatic coffee pot to get the day going. And the coffee pot was looking a little grimy. So proceeded into degrime mode. which escalates. So many crooks and crannies- it ends up in the sink filled with a combination of vinegar and dish soap. Gotta let that sit and soak the wonderful cleanliness in. In the meantime, I remember I was on my way to the washroom to do the morning ablutions, where I spotted my water pick flossing machine. Works wonderfully, cleaning out all those hard to reach crooks and crannies in my coffee machine. I now have the cleanest coffee pot on the planet, but it is due for a vinegar soak. Lime and calcium buildup is real!  Where’s my French press? After a furtive search in all the usual hiding spots, it remains hidden. Now I find myself scrubbing ...

Were Back!

 So I'm back after a long hiatus.  I was surprised that people still read blogs.  I was reminded at a recent event that a surprising number of people are abanonding Social media.  Some of the asked me for blog updates.  Go figure.   The Melt Has Started I have pretty much given up on running the farm. Due to some health concerns I just am unable to keep up with the work of running a full-time farm however, given the current state of affairs, I will be doing some gardening this year. The way the orange face menace has been threatening my country is going to make it imperative that me and my fellow Canadians support Canadian products and producers. I will be growing my own root veggies. We’re now into the first mud season of the year. Unusually warm temperatures going up to +8°C so travel up and down the driveway to grandma’s where I now live is problematical and will soon become impossible. It will mean leaving the car down at the big log house and walking u...