Were Back!

 So I'm back after a long hiatus.  I was surprised that people still read blogs.  I was reminded at a recent event that a surprising number of people are abanonding Social media.  Some of the asked me for blog updates.  Go figure.


The Melt Has Started

I have pretty much given up on running the farm. Due to some health concerns I just am unable to keep up with the work of running a full-time farm however, given the current state of affairs, I will be doing some gardening this year. The way the orange face menace has been threatening my country is going to make it imperative that me and my fellow Canadians support Canadian products and producers. I will be growing my own root veggies.

We’re now into the first mud season of the year. Unusually warm temperatures going up to +8°C so travel up and down the driveway to grandma’s where I now live is problematical and will soon become impossible. It will mean leaving the car down at the big log house and walking up and down to grandma’s. I suppose I could use the exercise, I just need to remind my heart to keep pumping to do it.

First Mud Season Starts

So today was the day when the orange menace is decided to stab his best friend in the back. I like many of my fellow Canadians will be hoping for the best and preparing for the worst that mean things like shopping, Canadian or Mexican or even Chinese but anything not made in America I will be growing root vegetables this summer and running grow lights for lettuce and spinach. I will resurrect my four season greenhouse. The only limiting factor there is firewood, which I would go through by the several cord loads and the electrical bill for the existing high-pressure sodium lighting

Right now today’s big chore is to drag the snowbound wood splitter into the shed, so I can roll the big round blocks which the melting snow has revealed and split covered up in the woodshed. We will still be burning wood for several more months. 

Empty Wood Shed

The “Pile” It used to be an igloo!

One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of chores I procrastinate over take a lot less time to do than the time I spent procrastinating and planning how to do them. Perhaps you’ve had a similar w

I’m off to karate practice. A real lesson in humility. I know what I could do, I know what I’d like to do, but my body knows different. But still, it’s a wonderful exercise.

Purple belt But blue toenails. I will need to rectify that shortly. Some of the other students have been pointing out that it was time for a colour change. I get my toenails done to the colour of the belt that I’ve attained.


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