It Came From Beneath The Earth!!!

Actually it was growing in a clod of dirt on top of the Garden. Looks like I beheaded an alien with my new alien head chopper. ( a large skinning knife Jo-Ann brought me.)

It has been tentativly identified as a mangalore:

Weirdest turnip I have ever seen. Have a large crop of them still to dig up, also some parsnips, beets and brussels sprouts. Alas, the Yukon Gold potatoes are no more. Next year I will have enough to make it through till Spring.

Still dunging out one of the pole barns to make a lumber and barnwood storage area. the one was used for horses and had a couple of inches of horse manure mixed with straw over the hand hewn floor. I am packing that all out and mixing it with some well composted piggy poop. The garden will love that stuff. It will be snow soon and I don't want to leave several stacks of rough wood and barnwood out over the winter. One of my projects is to build a solar kiln to dry the wood down to 9 or 10 percent. Basically it's really just a green house.

I almost have accumulated enough glass now to build a green house but I think I will start out with a hot box for growing some lettuce over the winter. Now thats another thing I learnt about gardening, lettuce is surprisingly tolerent of the cold temperatures up here - it is still growing. Planted way too much of that. How much lettuce can two people and the occasional guests eat?


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