This January seems to be making up for last January's lack of snow.  

The tire garden is covered .

The dogs enjoy playing in the snow.  But don't seem to be chasing mice as much as last year.

The boler sits, comfy, but a bit forlorn, wistfully hoping for another trip.

The abandoned root celler is quietly waiting for spring and maybe a rebirth.

The path to Grandmas, and the woodlot took a lot f plowing to clear it.  Chains on all skidsteer tires too!

Honest it doesn't feel like we've been incarcerated.

It would be a lot of shoveling to clear all the paths .  And more on the way.  A friend gifted us a bag of purple spuds.  Taste delicious.  But they are purple. 

Just sitting around waiting for the snow to stop so we can start clearing it.  According to the weather channel that will be around the end of next week.  Just may have to do one before just to keep the place clear.


Denise E said…
So pretty to look at but what a job just to keep up... you need a skidsteer.
Art Blomquist said…
I have a skidsteer. I need one that is reliable..
Everytime I feel blue about Illinois winters I look at your blog and feel happy and gleeful ! Thanks for the lift Art.

PS the root cellar picture is the best. Should be enlarged and framed.
Yeoman said…
Great photos.

And timely too. . . it's snowing outside here right now.
Ok Art. 9 days since last blog. Has the snow buried your computer ?

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