Chop Wood.

No need to carry water. The water line to the animal shed is thawed and flowing freely. It had frozen in the un insulated wall and thawed when I cut the wall open and added heat tape to the plastic piping. And of course the warmer weather is really helping. It's now hovering around zero and that's practically balmy after this winter. The increased temperatures mean that we are heating the joint solely with the small living room heater. No need to fire up the huge wood furnace and feed it hefty log parts. The upstairs heater takes smaller split wood. We have a system. As the heaters in the animal shed and green house take the same type of wood. We can go through quite a lot. Right now we don't have to burn wood in the green house or animal shed. They both have small electric heaters. The green house also has insulating curtains and this morning it was a toasty 26c. When it gets below -20 we o...