Spring Has Sprung

Well this was Spring, all three inches of it about April 16th.  Shortly after I had decided that it might be time to put some of the plantings in the green house out into the tire Garden.  Mother Nature decided differently.  Getting bored of snow, want some greenery.  Soon.  Thankfully, I can sit in the green house, smell the tomatoes and basil, close my eyes - and I'm in my Happy Place!  I am getting the urge to get some projects finished, or started.  You can see the sliding door on the equipment shed. Solar water heating on the green house.  Get the Garden in.  May middle or so.

 The wild life is starting to show up.  This young moose didn't seem too perturbed that we are only 10 feet away.  We've been seeing vast flotillas of Pterodactyl like Sandhill cranes squawking overhead.  Hundreds of them like huge bomber wings.  The geese aren't shy about making their progress known. Red Wing Blackbirds are busy emptying the sunflower feeders. Robins and Blue birds are hopping over the fields, a wary eye out for the cats.  The eagles have been here all winter and land on the large fir tree and treat the barking girls with disdain.
Before we left for a Coast run I noticed Humming Bird feeders up - a sure sign that they will be filling the Veranda with their joyful buzz.
 One inevitable Spring chore is cleaning up the yard of all the debris the wind has scattered or snow-plow buried.  We don't use the dump in town hardly at all.  We save anything that burns, clean out cans, compost anything vegetable and put it all in a burn pile waiting for a nice spring day when the grass is still wet.
 Next step is to drive a cat over the pile and cover it over with dirt and flatten the whole thing out. Soon to be sheep pasture.  We'll establish another one, i.e. dig a hole somewhere outback  and keep the process going.
 Our friends Bubba and Rockey dropped by for a welcomed visit. We managed to get the skid-steer up and running and out of the shop - just in time to get a bunch more stuff in there.. Projects to do.  Wood to cut.

And Packrats to track down.  One thought it would be a great idea to set up shop under the hood of a truck.  Took about thirty seconds for the girls to track it down and harass it mercilessly.
Go ask Dad for the socket set
 But the high light of my Spring so far has been hanging out with my Granddaughter Sophie Maxine.  Of course we're in the pony market  now..

Have a great weekend.


Mike Browne said…
Aww! She's cute. Looks like grandpa loves her tons too.

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