The Big Dog

Doing a bit of fencing lately. Plans for a lot more to follow.  Our two sheep finally figured out that the white row covers tented over the tires in the garden were not impenetrable force fields.  Indeed, they parted easily to sharp hooves, revealing some luscious fresh veg underneath.  Came close to catastrophic crop failure. That required an emergency fencing project.  Fortunately, we had a pile of tires, pallets, and old doors on hand. As the skidsteer auger wasn't available we  put large truck tires on the ground every six feet, screwed the doors to them and voila, the door fence. The tires will get filled with soil to increase garden space.

Mind you, we only had about a hundred feet of old doors so we had to improvise the gap.  Screwed pallets together end to end in a zig zag fence pattern and stuck some tires in the "V's" of the run.

Worked like a charm and was quick!  The sheep are now excluded from the garden. A proper board fence to follow.  The animals have been enjoying the shade alongside it.

The outside perimeter on the South and West sides of the garden were only a four wire fence.  Easily penetrated by doggies both large and small.  So brother Tom helped me rebuild the very weak corners to something that would hold back a bull and we are stringing some new wire today to give us a six wire fence. The bottom three wires are the important ones.
With the bottom three strands eight inches apart it's too tight for even a puppy to get through. We even added a gate so we can get from the greenhouse area into the field without doing the Barbwire Limbo.  Getting too creaky for that.

A skidsteer with an auger makes putting in posts fairly easy!

However, my new, when I win the lottery, toy is a Tool Cat: Uses the same accessories as a Bob Cat, but has a dumping box and room for two!  The swamper doesn't have to run along side..

We've had a couple of hot overcast days.  The sky filled with smoke from Siberian forest fires. That's the smog in the background..

Wow, that's a big chunk of water to cross.  Yesterday's winds seem to have cleared the skies.  After three days of warm I have been detecting whining from the populace who generally are only comfortable living on a snow cone.

We have a new addition to the family, Hurley, a one and a half year old male Great Pyrenees.  Night one I slept on the floor with him - a camping bonding thing. However, he tends to be a mattress hog!

A wonderfully gentle dog who quickly settled in. Plays well with the other doggies.  A couple of times a day he comes back from the pond, pleased as punch with his new look.

We delivered a processed 77 lb pig to Prince George for shipment to Vancouver Island via a refrigerated trucking line.  The center piece of a family barbecue. The first time I've tried scraping a pig.  It worked well.  Bell scrapers are worth every penny. We heated water in a new garbage can to 130F,

 threw in a handfull of wood ash and used a skidsteer to dip the pig in the water.  Something new to learn about processing every time I do it.  Thinking of building an "H" frame with electric winch and a processing table..

Gotta get me some of that Puppy Love.

Hope you get yours today!


JakkieJaz said…
It makes my heart happy to see Hurley with you! I love the picture of you sleeping with him. So glad he is now part of your family. :)

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