Some Where Over The Rainbow

Astonishing double rainbow just moments after a fall rainstorm blew threw.  Just happened to look out the window.  I could actually see where the rainbow touched the fields.

Went up to Grandmas yesterday and found an inch of water on the floor.  The hot water tank gave up it's last breath and packed it in.  Of course this was just after having both elements replaced.  Ah well that will teach me to disobey the hair on the back of my neck.  Standing beside me when I opened the door was Son in Law Kevin who used to be in the disaster recovery business.  Inside the house was a snow shovel, mop and a wet-dry vacum.  Didn't take to long to dry out.  Especially with a couple four fans blowing air out the windows.

Daughter Sara and Kevin and granddaughter Sophie were up for a visit. What a great time.

She's not old enough to drive the family car but surely she is old enough to start practicing with the tractor..

And the new worlds record at our place for bare back sheep riding is almost 20 seconds!

We had to put row covers on the zucchini and squash as they got touched by frost last night.  Well I guess the end of August does mark the beginning of September.

Back into the Barn today getting that project ready before we start the winter wood logging operation.  Next steps: Chinking the logs, cutting a hog door, installing Tyvec house wrap on the inside before studding for plywood walls.

Hope your week is wonder full.  And you get to have some fun with the pack!


Oh that Sophie is adorable! What a lucky grandpa, papa? gramps? you are.
Art Blomquist said…
She calls me "Ampa" which is icelandic for Grandpa. Jo is Amma. We were all grinning from ear to ear.
Denise E said…
She's sure enjoying the sheep ride. Grinning from ear to ear. I like the Icelandic names, so close to grandpa and grandma.
Neat rainbow photo!

By odd coincidence, I happened to get a photo of one with my Iphone just recently as well:

While you can't tell from the photos, the ends looked so close, that they looked like could have walked to them.
Art Blomquist said…
@Pat and Marcus: took a look at your photos. it really is an amazing thing. It does look like you could stand right under one. When we were on our honey moon driving up Vancouver Island we seemed to drive right through one.

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