Snow Storm

It's April 6th and I am sitting at our kitchen table at 8:30 in the morning.  It's a struggle  to see the trees at the Southern edge of our front property due to a blinding blizzard.  This has been going on for two days now.  A couple of days ago we were congratulating ourselves over getting through another winter and planning on putting away the long johns, and how it looked like the balmy days were here again.  Plus 10 temperatures.  Mother Nature may have taken slight at being taken for granted.

The three bird feeders off the front balcony are filled with Juncos, their feathers all fluffed up against the driving Eastern snow.  It's only -5c but it seems a lot colder.  It's certainly long john season again.  For a while anyway.

The snow will put a bit of a damper on the pig feeder project.  I was hoping to get that done before my trip to the coast.

It was mud season a couple of days ago so I built a couple of pallet walks to the green house and barn.

I can never get enough pallets and the pictures will give you an idea why.  Jo-Ann even bought me a book on nifty pallet projects: Wood Pallet Projects by Chris Gleason, filled with inspirational ideas.  Keeping with my theme of recycle and re-use there isn't much that can't be built with a little ingenuity.

My four main recycle items are glass windows, tires, pallets and five gallon buckets.

The glass is perfect for shed projects and hot boxes.  We grow food and flowers in the truck tires.  Pallets are used from everything to walkways to furniture, and five gallon buckets are used for animal feeders and grain.

The house sure smells nice.  Filled with the wonderful aroma of dog food.

 Oh, I know, but this dog food is made with 100% organic beef chunks, some added pig lard, oats and barley. No crap.

 The doggies love it, and it's sure a lot better for them than the packaged cardboard, fortified with entrails and chicken feathers kibble that comes in those cool looking bags.

We save all our pork fat.  Jo-Ann makes lard from it.  Beat's Crisco hands down!

Hope you're doing well, and the snow shoeing is just for recreation!


June Knight said…
I love your pictures! You're also a very good writer. I stumbled upon your page and very glad I did! Your farm is beautiful AND LOVE the pic of the bird house in the snow!

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