Is There a Blogosphere?

Dirt piled up in the crawl space

I had heard rumours that some long ago residents of grandma’s where I’m residing now had a grow-op in the basement. I never believed that for one,  there is no basement-  just the crawlspace, but crawling down the crawlspace hatch to do some needed plumbing modifications i.e. winterizing, proved the rumours correct. Someone had made it grow up in the crawlspace by digging out the dirt and piling it up against odd corners of the foundation. Unfortunately, their mining operation also caused part of the foundation to be undermined. An understatement to say it wasn’t good news. 

My current sojourn into the nether regions was to do some electrical work. I needed to add some outlets and find a circuit to break into. 

Extension cords are a trip hazard.


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