The "Retired" Garden

We spent a week away visiting Echo and Grant and we went camping with the Rockies at Howard Lake. Back on the spread. We're working on the Garden. What we are doing is planting the Garden in stacks of Tires. Two different methods: using two logging truck tires with the top sidewall cut out, as a raised bed type, and stacking car tires as potatoe raised beds. We start out with one tire and some soil and when the spud leaves are about a foot high we add straw around the plant and add a tire. Untill we get about six high. Then when the spuds are ready you just take off the tires from the top and pluck the dirt free spuds. Today were off to the neighbors to get some soil. And then to the nursary to get some "Tomy Toes" plants. And seeds. It seems that the ones Jo orderd a month ago from the states haven't been shipped because they couldn't figure out our address It's still not getting much above 10 degrees at night so I have to wait to do some staining of the shed and house. The idea of the tires is that they absorb heat all day and release it slowly at night. I am thinking of adding a solar hot water loop into the mix.


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