Just Thinking..
There is an old house at the bottom of the property tucked away on a bench just off of Savory Road. It is a nice piece of property, the buildings are useless, not even much for salvage, but wonder of wonders we found some great small size gravel suitable for top dressing the road. I was examining an old outhouse weirdly built within twenty feet of the well. So I got to thinking some deep thoughts: Is it worth rebuilding this old wagon as a log hauler? All photos are from my Photographer friend Mike Rockey. He and wife Barb are visiting with us and were having a great time. We took a break from some projects and hiked up to a ridge just East of us that has a great view of the valley. For reasons that don't need a lot of explaining, it is now known as "Bear Crap Ridge"..or something similar: The underbrush is starting to turn colour. Autumn is upon us. This is the trip down across one of the Saskatoon berry fields. Remember the aforementioned ridge? This is one of th...