Progress Not Perfection..
Making progress with the steps. Steps are like that! You start them and you never know where the heck your going to end up. In this case I ended up with a lot stronger foundation—and that can't be a bad thing.
Here's a handy trick when painting doors, or any large panel. Insert a couple of screws in the centre of each end and place them on sawhorses so that I can spin it and paint both sides without waiting for one side to dry.
Note the cans of paint anchoring the saw horses down. I used a rustoleum door paint and it worked really well. Flat and tough, and it dried in a few hours for a recoat. I also painted the sash with porch and floor enamel. It took so long to dry I had to put the heat on in the shop! It is getting down to near freezing at night. Here's the finished product. I am looking for a matching fixture but will probably have to order one online.
With the help of a friend I sanded down the rear bumper on the truck, chiseled off the old rusted gas can holders and repainted it with spray on truck bed liner paint from Canada Tire. It is amazingly stuff tough and it dries to re-coat in five minutes. We put six coats on the bumper and It came out better than the original baked on finish which had deteriorated. With a new High Lift Jack-All and fuel cans it looks pretty spiffy.
Were a little concerned with Xena. She has taken to acting very "grown up lately", pretending to smoke for one:
She found a stash of deer bones and has taken to going on our morning walks with one sticking out of her mouth like a stogy..Kids..
Speaking of which we have a few new ones. We dropped by the Vets the other day and I was having a chat with an older white cat who had been dropped off at the Vets door step in the middle of the night. He was telling me his tale of woes and after I told him about the great time the Katz at our place were having he jumped in the back of the truck and wouldn't come out. His name was Kermode - which of course immediately got changed to Kermit. He settled down in the shop and has become shop cat number two. With just a little hissing from Boose to show Kermit who really is the boss of the place.

The Vet's were so grateful that we adopted Kermit they threw in a nice little kitten for Jo-Ann, which has become Ewe's best bud:
His name is Jack, which is short for "Black Jack Shellac in his Frontenac Hat "But I am sure you will see more of him on Jo-Ann's Blog..
Speaking of which we have a few new ones. We dropped by the Vets the other day and I was having a chat with an older white cat who had been dropped off at the Vets door step in the middle of the night. He was telling me his tale of woes and after I told him about the great time the Katz at our place were having he jumped in the back of the truck and wouldn't come out. His name was Kermode - which of course immediately got changed to Kermit. He settled down in the shop and has become shop cat number two. With just a little hissing from Boose to show Kermit who really is the boss of the place.
The Vet's were so grateful that we adopted Kermit they threw in a nice little kitten for Jo-Ann, which has become Ewe's best bud:
Glad you made it to the service, too bad no time to chat after. I'm planning a trip to PG for Thanksgiving for their annual gathering. You????