Life Can Be A Pain In the...

Butt, I've found a cure:

You gotta love this product. Actually it's just Zinc Oxide, which is a miracle cure for any kind of skin irritation. Here's another product that we like to keep around. It too, is great for chapped hands.
We get it at the local feed store. Another amazing product with a name easily misconstrued.

It has been hovering around freezing at night so I am covering some of the garden to keep a little heat happening. I may have to install some heating in some of them. We're now getting the winter wood in and generally getting the joint ready for winter. I.E. putting away anything that can get covered with snow. Making sure the snow dumps are clear.

I just got back from a week at the coast. I am getting totally "Endakoized" i.e. Like a country bumkin when I go to the big city. I just don't like being surrounded by all the buzz. My daughter Sara, took me out and fitted me with some road running shoes and some trail runners. What a difference they make. But she couldn't talk me into "technical underwear". Maybe later..

Hope your having a wonderful week.


Viki said…
Well, actually, the Bag Balm is for the cows udder & teats. At least it looks like that's the picture on the can.
Art, we love bag balm but can no longer use on our dairy as not allowed under organic standards. My husband saved the tin though and hides money in it. At least he THINKS its hidden.
Art Blomquist said…
Viki I guess that explains why I sometimes feel like such a boob!
Yeoman said…
Bag Balm is used for everything in some places. I've seen it used to treat minor wounds on horses, for example.
Endako Jo said…
I think it got kinda popular with women after Shania Twain announced that she uses it on her legs and LOVES it!

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