Bundle up

We've come out of two week stretch of -20. Today it's sun and just below freezing. A good day for unthawing the skid steer. I have some drive problems with it and want to get it into the heated garage to work on it. When I tried to move it the left hand side was frozen solid. Time to bundle it up, stick on a magnet block heater, plug in a circulating block heater, battery charger and ceramic heater. Today it's very warm. If I can't move it I will have to resort to an old cold weather trick. Placing a stove pipe under the oil pan and using a tiger torch to help thaw it out. A tiger torch for those who don't know is basically a propane blow torch. If that doesn't work it will sit until spring - which will make plowing out the driveway dependent on Brother Tom's skid-steer availability. We've been enjoying tomatoes and cucumbers from the green house. What a delicious thrill! On a sad note o...