I dispatched six pigs last Saturday and we turned them into chops, hams, bacon and sausage meat on Sunday. I found Saturday to be very draining emotionally. As well as a good deal of work. Here no one scrapes the hide so we ended up skinning them.
I thought I was emotionally prepared for it. I suppose I was in that I managed to dispatch all six. We left two, from different, herds to breed. Hope that works out. I just don't like paying 85 bucks for weaner pigs. I was as careful as I could be not to become emotionally attached to them. No names. Except for Lard Ass - the pig that sat to eat. And Ms. Piggy the sow we kept.
The nice thing about being grown up is that we can eat all the ice-cream we want. The downside is that responsibility comes with that freedom.
We do have an option, taking the pigs in a trailer for a 100 kilometer ride to a processing facility. That's what most of our neighbors do. They charge 40 dollars to dispatch them. I just think it was quicker and less stressful for them to pass on to the great pig sty in familiar surroundings. Eating apples.
It was quick for them - a lot slower for me.
But I don't really want to meet the person who enjoys that part of the process..
And have you heard of Australian Bacon. 1/2 inch strips slow cooked over the barbecue..