Grandma gets a Make Over

We have a second house on the property.  We call it Grandma's in honor of a grandmother who made it her home before we arrived.

It hasn't been occupied for about nine years, near as we can tell. We've been looking for the right tenant that would trade housing for some occasional babysitting when we decide to go rock hunting.  It's a nice little place but needed a bit of work.  New roofs on the porch's, refurbish all the water runs, cracked after some very cold winters. Had a tenant lined up but that fell through, but were still refurbishing it as energy and money allows.  Quite nice inside if you like late 70's decor.  That will change, with new flooring, carpet and some updated paint and siding stain.  The front veranda, with its sweeping view of the valley panorama below is one of the best views on the property. We've spent a couple  of nice evenings, sitting there, sipping
coffee and admiring the full moon. not to mention a few coffee breaks with the supposed decking crew.

We hired a crew to help with the deck replacement but so far they haven't made a lot of progress. Apparently a union shop and the coffee breaks are retroactive to the date of the house.

Since the last post we have changed the garden portion of the West Fence to a seven strand barbwire.  It's tight enough even the puppies can't get through. The rascally sheep ( Shogs ) have had a couple of runs at the carrot and beet tops.  Thankfully they are growing back, and this will put a stop to their shenanigans.

Lucy, the coon hound on summer vacation has a new Bo, who has taken quite a shine to her.  He follows her around

Hurley ( in the background, laughing): " Lucy and Louie sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" 

Today's projects include some more fencing.  Two bulls on the property mean the fences have to be very strong.  While we were installing some fence posts they had broken - yes broken not knocked over, we discovered a trove of wonderful black top soil in a low laying field so we're going to do a test dig today. The spuds need hilling!

We are on summer hours now.  Working these warmish August days is best done early in the morning and later in the evening..

 Hope you have some one in your life who has taken a shine to you.


Keith and I would so love to be your tenants in the GM house. (Want to trade farms ?) If only it were closer to THIS grandma grandkids, But it looks wonderful!!!
Art Blomquist said…
@donna: You and Keith would be great tenants! It's probably only a day or so away by plane!
Cyndi Westhaver (or) Cindy Westhaver said…
Added note - Bet the Perseid watching is awesome at your place! If you know Heidi, Please tell her I'm on FaceBook. Thanks.
Cyndi Westhaver (or) Cindy Westhaver said…
Strikes me (since I just noticed the warning message when I tried to publish my 2nd comment that you may not have gotten the 1st (you won't know what Heidi I'm talking about) - First message read: Love your site, Hurley looks like a real cuddler! Was looking for an old friend from the N.W.T. who used to be a Blomquist (Heidi), she married Collin McLeod. Didn't find her but your site made my day!

May your nightsky fill your heart - C.
Art Blomquist said…
@Cyndi, Glad you had fun on the blog. My Genealogist wife, Jo-Ann, says no Heidi in this iteration of the Blomquist Clan. She will scour the interweb for any info..
Cyndi Westhaver (or) Cindy Westhaver said…
Thanks - Art & Jo-Ann.
ClearBlue said…
Oh, I love seeing the pictures of Hurley looking so happy! They bring joy to my heart. The farm is looking great!

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