Why Did The Cornish Giant Cross the Road

To get to the tractor! Scratch for delectables, feel grass between their toes, build up those drum sticks, fertilize the field - lot's of reasons really. And they are all important to building a plump, chemical free, juicy, tasty freezer filling chicken. Need I say more? Here's the Chicken Motor Home. They quite liked the ride down the road, over the gate, and into the pasture. The Chicken Tractor: the pile of wood is just waiting for the wood storage balcony to be built. Always great to sit around and admire our handiwork after the project is done! Last night we stood on the balcony transfixed with the light show surrounding us. Spectacular against a backdrop of dark purple. Great streaks of energy criss crossing in mesh patterns. Walls of light. The darkness punctuated by sizzling bolts seemingly giving Joseph's mountain some primordial shock therapy. Acupuncture by lightning. A blood red glow low to the Southwest, not the ...