Deep Winter

Late in coming, winter does seem to be upon us.

Grandma's visa

Snow dogs.  Overseeing the wood hauling operation

 The snow is piling up and we are very grateful for it.  Hopefully that will translate to a rise in the well water.  last year the water table dropped at least eight feet. Which means we are now looking at several options including water catchment systems, hauling water from town, developing some new wells. 

The doggies are in their glory.  Loving the piles of snow - or as they see them: Doggie Lookouts!

This is my castle and I am the Queen!

Once in a Blue Moon

An astonishing moon rising over the Eastern Cliffs

Winter Wood.

Neighbor Dave making wood whacking look easy.

Winter isn't the best time to be bringing in the wood, but this year it was necessary.  A combination of procrastination and doing other things during the summer.  A mistake I won't be making this year.  We heat everything with wood as using electricity to heat is like burning money.  This year we resorted to trading Pork for Firewood.  Dave used his skidder to untangle the pick up stick from the pond forest.  It's all dead bug wood pine and the wind has done a fair job in knocking it into unruly piles.

Pick Up Sticks

We are expecting another couple of feet in the next couple of days so I had better give up blogging and go try some plowing.


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