
Showing posts from June, 2006

A Fine Cup of Tea

Got a coat of ATF of the storage shed yesterday and then primed it for paint. I have been reluctant to put paint on because I got up today at 6 am today and it was +2. I am going to use an acrylic outdoor latex on the trim - the parts that is white in the picture. Beats me how anything grows around here but it does. Peas are up this morning, spuds are just about ready for another tire and the peppers are starting to form. Today I spent dunging out the "Blue" shed. Made some great progress tommorrow I'll move a bunch of the left over auto parts and scrap steel and maybe make a start at getting a workbench and shelving setup. Well that's probably a little unrealistic as the workbench itself will probably take me a day. It will be great to have all my tools in one shed. With room to actually build something. The teacup is Royal Dolton - destined for the Endako Hall Garage sale on Sunday

Off to Town

We got up to a bright clear day. A peak at the garden then off to Vanderhoof to take in a couple of ball games. The younger players, 8 to 10 years old were having a blast. A grown up pitches. I have never seen a game before that had three runners come in. Three times during a Seven inning game. They were having the time of their lives. The depths of agony when they struck out. Grins from ear to ear when they came home. All wrapped up in a brilliant day with a pair of falcons floating above the smell of hamburgers and hotdogs. All in all a great day. When we got home we took some pictures of the old well house and the goat grass behind the barn I want to use as a reclaimed wood storage shed. I mentioned to Jo-Ann that I thought that we should take at least one day off from working on the place - now that we're retired. She replied that when we were working we had two days off! Tommorrow we are going to help a neighbor erect a greenhouse.

It Lives!!

Woke up this morning and its about 10 degrees warmer than yesterday. The Garden sure appreciates it. Not to say the inhabitants of Tire Land. These are wild strawberries. The fields are covered with them, especially around the garden where I have been watering them. The berries are small but really sweet. The bears will appreciate some dessert. Were waiting for the Fawns to appear but so far nothing. And Miracle of miracles "tomytoes" have appeared. I was worried that the soil was too rich for them. This variety is called Sub Arctic, so that probably explains why it's going so well. My neighbors have tomatoes, but they started about three weeks before I did, so I think the tire idea is working. Todays job is another trip to the dump. What fun. I remember that going to the dump was one of my Dad's greatest thrills. All this good stuff people throw away. We bought a used washer and dryer from a neighbor. " in excellent working order." After hooking i...

Progress Not Perfection

Jeez, some one informed me that Blogs are supposed to be updated regularly. Who'd a thunk? The garden progresses, completed the flat garden. Actually it's a bunch of hills now with garden textile between the rows to keep the hills a little warmer. I think the soil in the tires is a little to "Hot". Not temperature wise - it just isn't getting very warm- but too rich. Read: lot's of cow poop. I keep plastic over the beds. I got some row stakes from a neighbour and put them over some of the tires so that I can put plastic over them. Instant green house. If the soil doesn't work out I will take it all out next spring and mix it with some sand. Starting a bed of compost. Maybe have to try a "Chicken Tractor" but that's another post. I've done all the pressure washing on the storage shed so it's just waiting for paint. I am painting a friend of mines shed and he is giving me some ATF ( automatic transmission fluid ) to spray on the she...