Off to Town

We got up to a bright clear day. A peak at the garden then off to Vanderhoof to take in a couple of ball games. The younger players, 8 to 10 years old were having a blast. A grown up pitches. I have never seen a game before that had three runners come in. Three times during a Seven inning game. They were having the time of their lives. The depths of agony when they struck out. Grins from ear to ear when they came home. All wrapped up in a brilliant day with a pair of falcons floating above the smell of hamburgers and hotdogs. All in all a great day.

When we got home we took some pictures of the old well house and the goat grass behind the barn I want to use as a reclaimed wood storage shed.

I mentioned to Jo-Ann that I thought that we should take at least one day off from working on the place - now that we're retired. She replied that when we were working we had two days off! Tommorrow we are going to help a neighbor erect a greenhouse.


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