It Lives!!
Woke up this morning and its about 10 degrees warmer than yesterday. The Garden sure appreciates it. Not to say the inhabitants of Tire Land.
These are wild strawberries.
The fields are covered with them, especially around the garden where I have been watering them. The berries are small but really sweet. The bears will appreciate some dessert. Were waiting for the Fawns to appear but so far nothing.
And Miracle of miracles "tomytoes" have appeared.
I was worried that the soil was too rich for them. This variety is called Sub Arctic, so that probably explains why it's going so well. My neighbors have tomatoes, but they started about three weeks before I did, so I think the tire idea is working.
Todays job is another trip to the dump. What fun. I remember that going to the dump was one of my Dad's greatest thrills. All this good stuff people throw away. We bought a used washer and dryer from a neighbor. " in excellent working order." After hooking it up ( probably a post in itself..ever try to cut a 4 inch circle in six inches of blocking?)the dryer doesn't. Bad heat selector switch. About 60 Bucks American. So when we take the last load to the dump, I drove in and there in front of me was the same dryer - including all the switches. Took it home and used the part and - the dryer drys. I'll keep the rest of the parts for spares and take the hulk back to it's final resting place. Probably China.
Actually what we are doing is clearing away the wreckage of some one elses past. The previous owner. It's sad in a way. Like going through someones past.
I think about the original owner of this place a guy by the name of Henry Viney. He built the original homestead here. The neighbors figure it was in the early '50's. He was a very frugal man. Used flattened tobacco and oil tins to sheath the outside of the original well house. I come across different artifacts of his life. It was so different. Nothing was thrown away. I would bet his total possesions, not counting the sheds and barns he built wouldn't amount to the stuff I am throwing away in the dump. I swear when I am going through the crap he hangs over my shoulder and whispers: "might be able to find a use for that.." and I bet he could too. One of the oldest buildings
was a log cabin that was covered inside with shingles. It's the log one in the middle of the picture. The shack tacked on to the right was a black smith shop. Lot's of cool stuff there. A fellow from the local museum was looking in there and drooling. I am going to dismantle the log cabin and move it to the pond up the hill
and put a new roof on it. It's a piece of a simpler past.
These are wild strawberries.

The fields are covered with them, especially around the garden where I have been watering them. The berries are small but really sweet. The bears will appreciate some dessert. Were waiting for the Fawns to appear but so far nothing.

I was worried that the soil was too rich for them. This variety is called Sub Arctic, so that probably explains why it's going so well. My neighbors have tomatoes, but they started about three weeks before I did, so I think the tire idea is working.
Todays job is another trip to the dump. What fun. I remember that going to the dump was one of my Dad's greatest thrills. All this good stuff people throw away. We bought a used washer and dryer from a neighbor. " in excellent working order." After hooking it up ( probably a post in itself..ever try to cut a 4 inch circle in six inches of blocking?)the dryer doesn't. Bad heat selector switch. About 60 Bucks American. So when we take the last load to the dump, I drove in and there in front of me was the same dryer - including all the switches. Took it home and used the part and - the dryer drys. I'll keep the rest of the parts for spares and take the hulk back to it's final resting place. Probably China.
Actually what we are doing is clearing away the wreckage of some one elses past. The previous owner. It's sad in a way. Like going through someones past.
I think about the original owner of this place a guy by the name of Henry Viney. He built the original homestead here. The neighbors figure it was in the early '50's. He was a very frugal man. Used flattened tobacco and oil tins to sheath the outside of the original well house. I come across different artifacts of his life. It was so different. Nothing was thrown away. I would bet his total possesions, not counting the sheds and barns he built wouldn't amount to the stuff I am throwing away in the dump. I swear when I am going through the crap he hangs over my shoulder and whispers: "might be able to find a use for that.." and I bet he could too. One of the oldest buildings

was a log cabin that was covered inside with shingles. It's the log one in the middle of the picture. The shack tacked on to the right was a black smith shop. Lot's of cool stuff there. A fellow from the local museum was looking in there and drooling. I am going to dismantle the log cabin and move it to the pond up the hill
