Progress Not Perfection
Jeez, some one informed me that Blogs are supposed to be updated regularly. Who'd a thunk? The garden progresses, completed the flat garden. Actually it's a bunch of hills now with garden textile between the rows to keep the hills a little warmer.

I think the soil in the tires is a little to "Hot". Not temperature wise - it just isn't getting very warm- but too rich. Read: lot's of cow poop. I keep plastic over the beds. I got some row stakes from a neighbour and put them over some of the tires so that I can put plastic over them. Instant green house.

If the soil doesn't work out I will take it all out next spring and mix it with some sand. Starting a bed of compost. Maybe have to try a "Chicken Tractor" but that's another post.
I've done all the pressure washing on the storage shed so it's just waiting for paint. I am painting a friend of mines shed and he is giving me some ATF ( automatic transmission fluid ) to spray on the shed. It actually looks pretty good and protects the wood.

We have been slogging crap out of the Blue shed. The more we get a look at the place the more dismal the making a shop idea there looks. Well it should do for this Winter. Then I am thinking of turning one of the Barns into a shop. That is if we don't start raising Lamas. Now that we don't have the cows in the yard the grass is getting pretty high. I like it - especially in the wind. Dandilions are gone and Ox Eye Daisys are up. Very nice.
I found a set of metal tires that we're going to use for supports for the front steps. Some wire brushing paint ( Red? Green? Blue? ) and cool.

I think the soil in the tires is a little to "Hot". Not temperature wise - it just isn't getting very warm- but too rich. Read: lot's of cow poop. I keep plastic over the beds. I got some row stakes from a neighbour and put them over some of the tires so that I can put plastic over them. Instant green house.

If the soil doesn't work out I will take it all out next spring and mix it with some sand. Starting a bed of compost. Maybe have to try a "Chicken Tractor" but that's another post.
I've done all the pressure washing on the storage shed so it's just waiting for paint. I am painting a friend of mines shed and he is giving me some ATF ( automatic transmission fluid ) to spray on the shed. It actually looks pretty good and protects the wood.

We have been slogging crap out of the Blue shed. The more we get a look at the place the more dismal the making a shop idea there looks. Well it should do for this Winter. Then I am thinking of turning one of the Barns into a shop. That is if we don't start raising Lamas. Now that we don't have the cows in the yard the grass is getting pretty high. I like it - especially in the wind. Dandilions are gone and Ox Eye Daisys are up. Very nice.
I found a set of metal tires that we're going to use for supports for the front steps. Some wire brushing paint ( Red? Green? Blue? ) and cool.

K. Butler