The Big Gun

With the snow melting so fast it's time to move the drifts back. My brother, Tiny, brought the Cat excavator to park it here after it's sojourn at the now closed Fraser Lake Dump. He cleaned out the driveway on the way up. Hopefully the water won't wash out the driveway this year. A kilometer of driveway is a lot to clear out with a shovel. Got lots of work for this bad boy excavator this summer. The new pond. Fireplace pit. Burn pit. Insulate and waterproof the basement foundation. Water and power Line to the new shop. New septic tank at Grandma's. And of course, my favorite: just generally having fun and making big holes in dirt. Every guys dream come true. And it's Son in law friendly...

This is Tiny operating it. I'm just not that smooth. Yet.


Carol Browne said…
It's big boy Tonka!
Anonymous said…
Now we're talking! We could put in the landing strip and the off road track as much to dig, and so little time!
Unknown said…
that last comment was from me by the way...

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