From Here to There and Back Again

I have been wanting to see what the N.E. corner of our property looks like on the ground. I have seen google map shots but have never stood on the ground. Armed with my Garmin 60 Cx and trusty pathfinder dog Xena off we went. There is a small lake about a mile away I have never seen and I wanted to see what the joint looked like from the top of some cliffs a half a mile away to the East so we added them all to the trip. This is the route I took: And the google maps version: The red numbers in the snag show which of the pictures below were taken. If you want to go along on this hike I would suggest a change of socks. Long sleeve shirts and pants that go all the way down. Like to the boots. Long legged I mean. Not what you were thinking. the elevation change isn't a lot but there is a fair bit of bushwacking. (1) This is the little unnamed lake that was on the itinerary. Surrounded by 200 feet of muskeg. Definatly not any good as a swimming lake. Altho Xena the wonder dog ...