From Here to There and Back Again

I have been wanting to see what the N.E. corner of our property looks like on the ground. I have seen google map shots but have never stood on the ground. Armed with my Garmin 60 Cx and trusty pathfinder dog Xena off we went. There is a small lake about a mile away I have never seen and I wanted to see what the joint looked like from the top of some cliffs a half a mile away to the East so we added them all to the trip.

This is the route I took:

And the google maps version:

The red numbers in the snag show which of the pictures below were taken. If you want to go along on this hike I would suggest a change of socks. Long sleeve shirts and pants that go all the way down. Like to the boots. Long legged I mean. Not what you were thinking. the elevation change isn't a lot but there is a fair bit of bushwacking.

(1) This is the little unnamed lake that was on the itinerary. Surrounded by 200 feet of muskeg. Definatly not any good as a swimming lake. Altho Xena the wonder dog would argue with that making several attempts to introduce herself to the neighborhood ducks.
(2) Xena the wonder dog looking over the cliff to our house about a half mile off as the crow flies.

(3) I zoomed the picture a bit so I could get a view of the joint I haven't seen before. While I was taking pictures of the spread, Jo-Ann was down below with a long lens on her camera taking pictures of the "kids" up on the cliff.
(4) The view West. This is the direction I came from. For those geological enthusiasts the rock looked like a quartz monzonite.

On the way down I managed to pick up an old skid road and then just follow the Garmin's advice and emerged at our East fence line. The forest was covered with a large variety of late spring plants. Cows Parsnip in abundance. It looks like it was harder slogging than it was.

When I emerged into our fields I was struck by this Columbine which I had just been reading about before the hike:
Jo-Ann's favorites are these Camomiles so I snapped a shot or two for her:
Finally in sight of the house.
(8) This last one is the view of the cliffs from the house:

This is a zoomed in Version Jo-Ann took with her 300mm zoom:

I was reluctant to take Xena on the trip thinking that she might not be up to it. Let's just say at the end of the trip one of us was looking for more and it wasn't me. Well Maybe:

She dove in every pond and puddle along the way. She also had un canny ability to find the route. We were on old overgrown roads and I was thrashing through the brush while she just went through like she knew where she was going. Finally I bent down to her level and I was amazed to see how visible a trail was from her view point and obliterated at mine by all the brush.

My dog taught me another lesson today. And that kipper snacks on hot rocks are just about the best thing a dog ever ate.


Carol Browne said…
Your place is awesome. Love those columbines. That looks like a long haul. I also love Xena the wonderdog's wonderpose on the ledge! LOL!

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