The Chicken Spa

All the sordid details: We've been working on the chicken spa project for around a week now. It was a lot more work than I had imagined while I was in the imagineering mode. Plenty of tea breaks were required: The metal waste baskets make a nice mouse proof chicken feed container. The blue shed has a lousy foundation, probably won't last another 10 years but in the mean time it will make a great chicken house. It has an efficient wood heater and power. But the stove pipes were shot and I wanted a better reflector behind it. Here is the after: We added an aluminum reflector on the floor to fire proof it. I don't want any embers falling on a wooden floor. We made standoffs out of 1 " pvc held with metal tape while we secured aluminum to the wall to create an air space behind it. We also added a thermo coupled fan to the back to push the warm air out into the roost area. The green tubing is salvaged garden hose that we split to protect any errant hands from the sharp ed...