Lap Dogs
I haven't been a big fan of lap dogs. Bow Wows carried in purses, dressed up with costumes. But who knows, nothing like a closed mind to keep progress from happening. To Quote William Paley:
There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. This principle is, contempt prior to examination.
With that quote in mind I have been doing some experimentation. Some examination of the facts as it were:
As can be seen, the dogs do fit on my lap. Mostly.
Xena resisted all attempts to get her to wear reindeer horns.
Here's a picture taken at Christmas time. I was explaining existentialism vis a vis cats and dogs. Or I had some doggy treats in my hands, I forget which.
Xena resisted all attempts to get her to wear reindeer horns.
Here's a picture taken at Christmas time. I was explaining existentialism vis a vis cats and dogs. Or I had some doggy treats in my hands, I forget which.
It is an unbelievable +5C in Xanadu today. The snow and ice is melting off the roads leaving us the harbinger of Spring: Mud. More to follow.