Moving On

We've had a week of construction type activity around the place. The "Blue" Shed consisted( Fortunately ) of two buildings that looked like they were one unit but were actually two separate buildings. The front part has evolved into the Chicken Spa and soon to be Pig roost. The back of the building had a collapsed roof and only the walls were holding the sagging roof up. We decided to remove the roof to prevent a total collapse at the next snow load, but leave the walls up to provide some shelter to the pen. Tom's excavator has a thumb on it that made crunching up the roof and burying it in a hole for burning when the first snows come. We don't want to set the pastures on fire! The wide scraping bucket also makes a reasonable aerial platform for the inevitable chainsaw work. The Chicken spa got some nice ceder trim we were gifted from my contractor Nephew. The "Red" shed is gong to transmogrify into a one wall green house. It made the march over to ...