The Dogs Who Ate A House

Well Garden shed actually. And fortunatly, so far, just parts of it.

Something smelly passed under the garden shed and the "Gurls" won't leave it alone.

Despite me moving everything so they could have a look underneath and inside, Cleo chomped right through the 1 by six trim work and started shredding the asphalt siding. I told her enough was enough when she asked to borrow the sawzall.

"I don't care how many kisses you give me you girls are not borrowing the power tools.."

They are totally obsessed with it. It was like the weasel they smelled in the chicken house. Must be some good smelling stuff." Ladies, attract the man of your dreams with Au de Weasel.." The good news is that the trim was't all finished as I have been waiting for warmer weather.
We've added some more asphalt siding to the chicken spa (formerly the blue shed) We didn't have enough of one colour to do the entire side nor enough forsight to balance it out. But it all works the same to keep the weather out.

We also put some protective sheet metal on the outside where the chimney stack comes out. As its just ordinary single wall chimney so I don't want to take any chances with it's proximity to inflamable asphalt siding.

I still have some work to do with the structure of the chicken house. The metal roofing was simply bent over at the sides and not left long enough at the front- so water just drips onto the barge board, over the years, totally rotting them away. One side I can pry out as its about six inches long but the other side has only an inch or so to work with. Worse, on the down slope side the water has started to rot out the planks that were placed to act as roofing joists due to the fact that the metal roofing had no overhang. It's going to take some head scratching to see if there is an easy way to fix it. I can remove the outside edges and slip some roofing underneath to give an overhang. But repairing the joists underneath is problematical. The rear of the shed has collapsed inward and were going to cut it away and just leave the walls up so we have a pig corral.
Yesterday we built a sawbuck as the last one didn't survive last winters inadvertent skid steer torture test. Another good reminder to pick up all the stuff you don't want run over before the snow falls!

The day was a true Bubba day, unfortunatly without the Bubba. That is , it was warm enough to have the shop open and Country and Western blasting on the stereo. Perfect for project construction.

Here's a guy "bucking" the trend and getting up in the world. Well, his tiny world..

It was a simple design that I picked off the WWW. Makes cutting up firewood from the small logs around the place a lot easier. The buck folds up for easy transportation and storage.

We're starting to see the first of enormous "V" shaped wings of geese flying overhead down the valley towards Burns Lake. One of the signs that spring is progressing.

The plants are growing like mad. Just waiting for the re-tired garden to warm up. Perhaps next week. In the mean time were taking some of the grow light ones out for an afternoon in the sun. A taste of the real world.

The other being it's time to get the bird feeders stocked up. We'll be making some adjustments to the feeders today. Adding platforms for the birdies to land on.

We are going to plant a whole bunch more lettuce and spinach. It can go in the rich soil next to the chicken pen. It gets morning to noon light so it should work out well. Can't hurt to try. The chickens just love fresh spinach.
"Come on Myrtle, lets try the new patio!"

Hope your having a restful weekend.


Art, I blogged today about womens work. YOU have me beat. Take a nap will ya ?!?!? And thanks so much for all the suppport regarding our milk issues here in Illinois

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