I Can See Clearly Now!

I've spent the last seven days either cutting up meat or wiring houses.  Odd combination.
Fortunately I was able to do one job at a time.  Now It feels wonderful to have a "day off" and catch up on some keyboarding and projects around the place.

Cutting up my own meat has been  on my list for quite a while.  To have a cow cut and wrapped around here costs over three hundred bucks so it's quite a savings to be able to do my own.  I am fortunate in having a complete private butcher shop available an hours drive away.  So I can hang and process there in an efficient, comfortable setting.

Before I took a two day course in beef cutting I took a course in knife sharpening - another handy skill that I have had a woe full need for.  After the beef course I took another one on wild game.  As it was hunting season there were only three students.  I presume the others were busy hunting.  With only three students and one instructor it was pretty hands on - the best way for me to learn.  We had a freezer full of meat and so I came back for another day as apprentice.  Great experience.  And then got to do a Moose and deer my Niece had got, all by myself.  Slower than molasses.  It took me a full Six hours to cut and wrap.  But Ive still got all my fingers.  My Grand niece has a lot less room in her freezer, and our doggies love the ground trim and sawed to gnaw size bones.

In a couple of weeks we'l be processing six pigs.  I am looking forward to making our own bacon, hams and hopefully, if time permits Mennonite sausage.

I lit a fire in the green house today as it got down to 11℃  (52 ℉) inside, freezing out side.  I could hear the plants going "Ahhh".

Working on making permanent temporary window inserts to cut down on the heat loss.  I used very light gauge heat shrinked window plastic last year but it damages easily. This will be a more permanent, and probably more thermally efficient with heavy duty clear plastic and foam trim all around the perimeter.

But first I need to go find the septic tank.  Time to get it pumped before winter freeze up starts.  The snow is just edging down the side of the mountain across the valley which means it is days before it is here.

Hope your week is going well.


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