My Water Broke!

A couple of times, actually.  Thankfully, the hydrant in the barn was frozen in the closed position.  After several false starts I hit upon the solution.  Connected a funnel to a piece of garden hose, inserted a chunk of quarter inch plastic tubing (to let the air out) and poured some Methyl Hydrate down the hose.  Raising the funnel above the hydrant and in about a minute, voila, handle unfroze and water flowing. Having no water in a barn helps put other problems in perspective.  The freeze up was caused by leaving a garden hose, with nozzle, attached to the spigot when turning off the water.  It just created a vacuum and wouldn't let the water drain like it was supposed to.  I was using the hose to fill the water tubs.  My new temporary solution is to use a two valve "Y" fitting so that I can shut off the connection to the hose and then open the other valve to let air down the hydrant so it will drain promptly.  Ah the things I learn.  Usually one freeze-up too late.

This was a result of not turning off an outside water line.

Missed the checklist.  Fortunately, Jo-Ann noticed it and managed to turn off the inside valve that was feeding the outside line.  The new attraction on the hill: The Giganto Ice Falls, narrowly averted.  We also had one other freeze-up with the water line to the chicken shed.  The maintenance guy had disconnected the heat tape, and exacerbated the problem by forgetting to close the chicken door.  Fortunately, getting a brisk fire going in the wood heater and connecting said disconnection gave us running water in a couple of hours. Lesson learned?  We'll see.

Finally managed to get the electrician to work in the barn.  He's installing waterproof lighting and outlets.  In between other chores so it might just take a while to get everything all lit up!  With all the dark time, an outside light is high on the list.

The pigs are sure enjoying the new digs.  If it gets in the -20's I can put a little propane heater on to take the chill off. Prior to the electrician getting some quartz infrared heaters happening.

Does this hay make my butt look too big? 
The puppies seem to be adapting well.  Afternoon naps, after bone time, are frequent. They're still sleeping in the shop at night, awaiting their heated dog houses.

We spent one day cutting up Belgian Blue beef (and one more day unthawing 40 feet of frozen water line. Getting good at that!).  We got to use our new roller table to move the quarters around.  Getting too old to wreck my back. This thing adjusts to whatever height I need - a real back saver.  About three more and I can almost pile wood with them!

These are Flintstone chops! Almost three inches thick! Perfect for a summer's barbecue.   If we can wait that long.

Here's what happens when you forget to clear off the hood air inlet and have the heater on.  Instant snow storm inside the Jeep.

Hope someone holds you in their heart!


Phoebe said…
Thanks for the great new post! It's a nice break from my office job :)
Art Blomquist said…
Phoebe, thanks for dropping by! It's still fascinating to me that my mundane existence is of any interest to anyone else!
Art Blomquist said…
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