How Much Wood Can a Woodchuck..
I have the pipe and conduit installed for the green house and we took a break from that project to get some of the winter wood in.

That's what we did yesterday. And a special place in Hell is awarded to people who put nails in trees.

This necessitates a lot of this.

By the end of the day there was some groaning, and when I got back from a meeting in town it sounded like some one had started a chain saw in the living room. It might have been Jo-Ann flaked out on the couch. Xena doesn't snore that loud. I did manage to catch her in a very restful pose: " When I slick my ears back does it make my butt look skinnier?"

It has been unbelievably warm weather here. It got up to 20C (68F) yesterday with a warm wind blowing. Threatening rain, but so far it hasn't come. The wind picked up last night and knocked a bunch of poplar leaves down on the road, and today the temperature plumeted to 5c(41F) with a forecast of rain for the next couple of days. A 15 degree drop in temperature overnight.
We'll try some more logging today, in between waiting for the Septic Tank Guy, back filling the trench, a meeting with 0ur ISP representative ( were putting up an internet tower near Grandma's). We'll see if anyone is awake here tonight to watch a DVD.
The leaves are almost at their peak of colour (color) saturation, bright yellows with some red thrown in. The Big Guy has a pretty deft palette.

That's what we did yesterday. And a special place in Hell is awarded to people who put nails in trees.

This necessitates a lot of this.

By the end of the day there was some groaning, and when I got back from a meeting in town it sounded like some one had started a chain saw in the living room. It might have been Jo-Ann flaked out on the couch. Xena doesn't snore that loud. I did manage to catch her in a very restful pose: " When I slick my ears back does it make my butt look skinnier?"

It has been unbelievably warm weather here. It got up to 20C (68F) yesterday with a warm wind blowing. Threatening rain, but so far it hasn't come. The wind picked up last night and knocked a bunch of poplar leaves down on the road, and today the temperature plumeted to 5c(41F) with a forecast of rain for the next couple of days. A 15 degree drop in temperature overnight.
We'll try some more logging today, in between waiting for the Septic Tank Guy, back filling the trench, a meeting with 0ur ISP representative ( were putting up an internet tower near Grandma's). We'll see if anyone is awake here tonight to watch a DVD.
The leaves are almost at their peak of colour (color) saturation, bright yellows with some red thrown in. The Big Guy has a pretty deft palette.
