Table Manners

We're in a full force blizzard today. I was going to go finish wiring up a friends place but don't even want to chance highway 16 in this stuff. So it's office work. I am rebuilding our main application and it is a total re write so a lot of work. Usually when I am in the office it's sunny and wonderful outside. Not so today.

One of the things I really enjoy about our joint is the ability to have pets. They really brighten the place up - and they are darn good company. This is Boose, the outside cat getting some quality time in the morning. She helps with meditation. It's the purring. I think she likes my 'stash.

Xena is demonstrating exemplary table manners. Note the plate carefully balanced on her front paws.

We were out late last night for a round of night time blue ball. Her favorite sport. If I was only half the man my dog thinks I am..

Hope your having a great day.


Carol Browne said…
You guys are very lucky with all your pets. I still miss Moosh, but we won't get another pet for awhile. Not until someone is home more often.

Stay warm!
Viki said…
Ain't that the truth. My dog thinks I'm an excellent care giver, blah blah blah, and she's always sooooo happy to see me.

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