A friend of ours garden has reached harvest time and due to health reasons he's been unable to do his preserving this year. He has a very prolific garden that he has worked on for years. Really an inspiration and the fellow that gave me the idea of getting a green house operating.
Can't be beet. |
So we have been harvesting before it all goes to waste.
Bounty from the Earth. |
And yesterday I had my first pickling lesson!
Batch number one! |
What a thrill. It's something I have been wanting to do for quite some time. We have a cold storage system, and a couple of freezers but there's certainly an attraction to making canned preserves. Actually one of these days I am going to use real cans. As they stand up better to life in a Boler trailer. But for now I am pouring over recipe books and a good friend is giving me hands on lessons.
Sometimes this Gardening thing goes to my head. |
Hope your having a great day!