Red Dawn

We heard the Martin Mars water bomber flying overhead yesterday.  Those billowy clouds it's flying over is smoke from the Binta Lake fires.
Smoke Clouds
Several have joined up and the fire is choking the valleys with smoke.  Yesterday they pulled the fire crews off the line as the wind was making it too dangerous. Today we can hear a lot of aircraft activity.

We took a drive over the Mine road to Francois lake and the view was unbelievable.  I have never seen anything like it.  To the East it was black as night.

Some friends of ours in Fraser Lake spent last night evacuating an older ladys ranch south of town.  They are getting their own things in order just in case. This was the view in Fraser Lake yesterday at 3 p.m.

Some of the  farmers South of Fraser lake have just opened the fences and left their cattle to roam.  Hard to evacuate 500 head of cattle with a few hours notice.

Hopefully it will rain hard in the next couple of days.  There was a little spit of rain yesterday, but not enough to even wet the ground.  The smoke does make for some nice pictures of the Sun.

We are O.K.  and in no danger, as we are situated 17 K west of Town and there's a lake between us and the fire.  Just as a precaution were going to go to town and get a couple of hundred gallons of gas just in case the fire cuts the power lines.  And maybe some more pickling jars.


Jean Engdahl said…
Awesome pictures, Art. We are hoping the fires are out Soon, This is getting rather scary. Best wishes to you all.
Suzanne said…
Don't leave the gas near the fire. Oh yah and cool pics.
Art said…
Suzanne, speaking of gas. Just incase the power lines get cut we went and got a couple of hundred litres in jerry cans. We came back via the road closest to the fire and thought.. hmm.. interesting driving into a fire area with a van load of gasoline!
Carol Browne said…
Come on, rain! Looks awful. And you can always use more pickling jars, that's for sure.

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