Sleeping Under The Stars

We set up some foam pads in the garden and have been sleeping under the stars for the last couple of nights.  Watching the heavens unfold and the spectacular Perseid meteor shower.  It was like being Ten again and I was tempted to get a jar full of sugar and a rhubarb stalk, and maybe a carrot with some dirt still on it,  to munch on while we watched the show.
The Blue patch are the sleeping bags in the middle of the tire garden.

The dogs loved it!  Pretty exciting sleeping out with Mom and Dad. Cleo snuggled between us, claiming more than her share of sleeping bag for the whole night.
Come on Mom! Plenty of room.  We'll just warm up your side..
Xena was constantly looking over the garden and several cats dropped by to see what was going on.  I even saw the Dogs looking up at the star filled, moonless sky.

The first night around 3 a.m. a cow had lost her calf and spent an hour or so letting the world know of her search.  Last night went a lot smoother, dogs settled down and the cows were in the top pasture until almost sun up.

This week we repaired the main water line to the Green House, which had broken at a valve.
Honest, the excavation is safer than it looks!
Lesson for next time: don't bury valves down in the ground.  The excavator made the six foot deep hole easier to dig.  That fixed, we installed the drip irrigation system in the green house.
line shut off and pressure regulator to the half inch distribution run

Ah, nothing like running water close at hand.  We are now fine tuning the drip system.
The I gallon per hour drippers are moderated by an inline valve

  We have a hand hose that comes off a reel to water the small potted plants. And an inside faucet that I can run a hose from to water the nearby cherry tree:
A Prolific, and still small,  Cherry Tree.
The weather has steadily been getting warmer and drier.  Evidenced by this fire at Binta lake South of us.
Binta Lake fire:  About 10 Klicks away

The Martin Mars water bomber is now flying from Fraser lake and is busy all day long.

Yesterday we drove to Smithers to pick up some parts for the irrigation system.  Well, O.K.  truth be told we drove the 200 klicks for a Venti Starbucks Coffee Frapachino.  And it was delicious.

Speaking of delicious, I made some tofu poutine and a stir fry for supper. I cut the firm tofu up into small cheese like cubes and fried it in  olive oil with mushrooms and onions.  Not even close to the artery clogging, mind boggling tasty beyond belief,  real thing.  But  it was a Delicious facsimile.  
Nice way to dress up a spud.

Today's projects are fine tuning the drip system, getting the Tomatoes and Cukes strung up, installing H.I.D. lighting and in the afternoon doing some gardening for a friend who is unable to walk due to surgery.

Maybe top that off with another night under the stars.  Ah, it's a tough life..


Anonymous said…
So, have you located any cranberries in your area yet? Usually close to a water source--river,lake,creek or something like that. In early Sept. you will find they smell like stinky feet.
art said…
Generally it has been a very poor year for berries: Saskatoons, blue berries etc. It has just been too dry. However I have never seen a cranberry in this area. I know their habitant from Northern Manitoba, around the same latitude as here. I would sure like to have a couple of pounds in the freezer!
thank you for an excellant post! love the irrigation system that installed there

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