Back to the Trenches

Brother Tom came up this morning and dug a trench to take a large electrical cable to the greenhouse. This means that I can have 240 volt power in the green house. Right now it's running on a 110 volt extension cord, not the most electrically efficient method. A small baseboard heater on a thermostat will prevent any freezing disasters. I have a conduit run to the green house from the main house but the armored and waterproof Teck cable was too big to pull down the 50 meters of 1 1/2" poly. Instead we direct buried the cable and will reserve the conduit for some Cat V cable to take data and internet out to the green house. What would a green house be without WWW and control signals? Doesn't matter how much earth moving machinery is used, you still need someone wielding a shovel. I kinda look like one of the Sand People on Tatooine The after picture. Thanks to the excavator, skid-steer and...